My name is Kyle. I was born and raised in the City of St. John's and currently reside in the beautiful community of St. Philips. My first experiences with photography began with drones. My friends and I often combed through thick woods in search of interesting rock climbing destinations. The drone became an essential part of our bush-whacking kit. From there, I became fascinated with the technical aspects of cinema and photography both in the air and on the ground. My work as an electrical engineering technologist also brings me to various remote and rural communities around the province and in these cases I've found there is no better time to explore and create. I hold an advanced pilots operators certificate for remotely piloted aircraft and all of my images are captured either with my drones or on my GH4 platform. I always welcome any chance to visit somewhere new and out of the way within our beautiful province and am inspired by the unique opportunity to share the best parts of these travels with you.

Explore the gallery and select your favorite image. A variety of product options are available to choose from. Select the size that best fits your space. Add the item to your cart and checkout. After filling in your address, shipping options will be available as well as local pickup at our printing partner, Newfoundland Canvas at 56 Aberdeen Ave, St. John's, Newfoundland.

Orders are processed and handcrafted in 5-10 business days. Once the order is complete you will receive the shipping tracking information or notification for pickup by email.

If you have any questions about your order timeline, product options or sizing contact us here and your inquiry will be send directly to Newfoundland Canvas.